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Yellowfin Tuna

Thunnus albacares

Yellowfin Tuna



This marine-dwelling fish lives in open waters and is wild-caught. By far the most common Tuna in Australia, it is found right around the Australian coast, preferring warm temperate and tropical waters, and is caught mainly by drifting longlines off the eastern and western coasts.

Other Names

Allison Tuna, Autumn Albacore, Yellowfin, Yellowfinned Albacore, Yellowfin Tunny.


Scombridae (Mackerels).


Available year round.

Size and Weight

Commonly from 4-100kg and 50-90cm, but can reach 200kg and 280cm.


High priced.


Albacore, Bigeye Tuna, Bonito, Longtail Tuna, Mackerels (Atlantic, Blue, Chub, Frigate, Grey, School, Shark, Spanish, Spotted), Mackerel Tuna, Northern Bluefin Tuna, Skipjack Tuna, Slender Tuna, Southern Bluefin Tuna, Wahoo.

To Buy

Usually sold as steaks, cutlets or sliced as sashimi. Look for bright red flesh (colour can vary with cut) that is firm, lustrous and moist without any dull brown markings or oozing water and with a pleasant fresh sea smell.

Always buy sashimi-grade fish if it is to be served raw or rare.

To Store

Make sure whole fish is scaled, gilled, gutted and cleaned thoroughly. Wrap steaks and cutlets in plastic wrap or place in an airtight container. Refrigerate for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 3 months below -18ºC. Sashimi-grade fish should be eaten within 24 hours of purchase, or else cooked.

To Cook

Average yield is 70-75%. Has a medium flavour, medium oiliness and moist flesh, which quickly becomes dry if overcooked.

The cooked flesh is creamy brown in colour and breaks into large flakes; there are very few bones to worry about. The centre bone of cutlets can be removed and a filling placed in the cavity.

Cut thick steaks into serving-size portions to allow even heat penetration.

Cooking Methods

Poach, pan-fry, stir-fry, bake, braise, grill, barbecue, smoke, raw (sashimi), pickle. The firm flesh holds together well in soups, curries and casseroles and can be cubed for kebabs.

Goes Well With

Anchovies, balsamic vinegar, capers, capsicum, eggplant, garlic, ginger, lemon, lime, mayonnaise, olive oil, soy sauce, tomato, wasabi.


Atlantic Salmon, Marlins, Mackerels, Swordfish, other Tunas, Yellowtail Kingfish.


Sashimi-quality Tunas are imported from New Zealand and other South Pacific countries.


Barbecued Tuna Steaks with Walnut Sauce
Basque Tuna Casserole (Marmitako)
Char-grilled Tuna with Anchovy Mayonnaise
Fish Satay
Mixed Thin & Thick Sushi Rolls (Norimaki)
Salade Nicoise
Seared Tuna with Rocket & Potato Salad
Seared Tuna with Salsa Verde
Smoked Tuna Salad
Spanish Tuna 'Meatballs'
Tuna Baked in Paper Parcels
Tuna Tartare